Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The 2010 Kick off

A new year means a new me also. Before I get too excited with what 2010 can bring, I just wanted to look back at what crazy 2009 offered.

The year did not start right for me. My heart was still broken even but I was still hoping that it will be mended by that person. It didn't happen. 2009 is the year that my friends finally realized that I love myself more than anybody. It was the year of seeing the world...with what I can afford of course. It was a year of re-discovering who I am and finally not caring what other people think of me. Let them have their say, they don't know me. 2009 is a year of finally appreciating my family and all the crazy things we've been through and we have so many things to work out until now. I finally I was able to mend my heart and things were getting better. I found a new passion in traveling and making sure I always have great photos around.

So 2010 basically means more adventure, more places to see, more food to eat. We'll have to see what this year brings. Happy New Year!

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